Friday, February 10, 2023

A Different Friday!

I was at World Gym at 1:45 and someone who goes there regularly asked, "How are you here at this time?" And I thought... That's right... It's Friday, and I'm usually on a date with Alan! 

On Fridays, I usually go to World Gym in the morning as I'm home by 10am.

So... what did I do today?

I had a leisurely breakfast of two hard boiled eggs and a Chinese fantwan with coffee!

I rested!

I went to Costco as Annie wanted some contact lenses for Kurtis and we have a friend going back.

I stopped at World Gym and lingered a little longer, doing more reps.

I ran my usual 10km and hit a fast 1k record of 5.41! It started raining just as I headed out. 

I sat and read.

Isaiah came home this evening and I had ordered KFC to surprise him. He gets very traditional Chinese food at the reserve command base, so he likes to have western meals on the weekends! 

I also had time to chat and pray with Alan.

Overall... it was a very refreshing Friday!

Daily Lovely Insight:

I think I forget too easily all of God's constant goodness... by slowing down, I am reminded of His Presence and His Peace. 

II Peter 1:13 says, 

What Does 2 Peter 1:13 Mean?

This verse also has the words STIR UP, which is in the passage of focus that I have for this year. God wants to stir me up by way of reminder... and I think when I slow down, I hear better!

How about you?

Seek Him First!

Jeremiah 29:11 - Best Bible Verse - Bible Verse Images