Tuesday, February 28, 2023

Burger King, Coco, and Taiwan Number 1!

That's where we got all the goodies for a picnic in front of the Fine Arts Museum. We were going to go in, but the lines to get tickets were way too long. Mom could have had priority and I could have gone with her, but she was not in a walking mood... 

So, this morning, Alan went to play tennis. I spent the morning cleaning and sorting through donation. Yes, I got another bag of stuff dropped off at my scooter parking. Nice jackets and ties. 

Mom was up and showered. Isaiah was resting at home, because he was feeling a bit of a sore throat. I think he was just being lazy. It's always nice to sleep in.

Alan got back and after he showered, I trimmed Isaiah's hair. And we were off. We went to look at the Cherry Blossoms, bought food, and went over to the Museum. It was nice and sunny. 

At around 3:15, we headed back home.

I had Bible study tonight and Alan drove Isaiah to the bus depot as he had to report back to the command base.

After the Bible study, I stopped at World Gym and did the weights and a short run on the treadmill. When I got home, I did a load of laundry!

Tomorrow, things are back to "normal" and Mom no longer needs an antigen test before going to the Day Care Center. Regulation on masks has also been 'relaxed'.

Daily Lovely Insight:

You know the background to this? Look it up!

Deuteronomy 23:5 :: God's Love Ministries - Today's Promise

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Monday, February 27, 2023

Holiday Monday!

It was so nice that we didn't have to rush Isaiah to the bus stop last night... And this morning, Alan and Isaiah went off to play tennis and I went for my quick run and stop at World Gym!

I got back to get Mom up and showered and dressed and she had her breakfast!

I couldn't get a helper as it's a holiday long weekend... so, we couldn't go hiking at Elephant Mountain, even though the weather was perfect hiking weather. BUMMER!

So, we changed our plans and went to a local mall... It was a nice way to spend the afternoon. It has a Carrefour and a food court and lots of little shops! It wasn't as crowded as I had expected, so parking wasn't a problem!

Alan and Isaiah had a massage this evening. I brought Mom home. We were thinking of going to the night market, but again, that plan had to be put on the back burner. 

Daily Lovely Insight:

God has stern words for a rebellious son!

Deuteronomy 21:18 If a man has a stubborn and rebellious son who does not  obey his father and mother and does not listen to them when disciplined,

Deuteronomy 21:19 ASV - then shall his father and his mother lay hold on

Pentateuch Deuteronomy © John Stevenson, ppt download

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Sunday, February 26, 2023

Having A Great Sunday!

I shared the Sunday message... and it's something I get very excited about: Discipleship, which is really about community.

I hit upon the truth that Jesus used this method of choosing men, untrained and uneducated, knowing that it was the way to share the Gospel and influence the world all to the glory of God Almighty.

So, this morning, I went out early for a walk and to World Gym. I also paid a bill and updated all our bankbooks. Then I was home to care for Mom. She enjoyed her breakfast... and I gave her fruit for lunch.

We left at 2:15 for church, stopping to get copies made for my Soochow Study! Yeah! So that's ready!

We had a lot of people... and we brought back the dinner boxes. It's difficult to stay and chat. Mom usually has her dinner while we work at cleaning up.

It was a relaxing evening at home!

Daily Lovely Insight:

Acts 4:13 -- Do people recognize us as people who have been with Jesus?

Acts 4:13 When they saw the courage of Peter and John and realized that  they were unschooled, ordinary men, they were astonished and they took note  that these men had been with

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Saturday, February 25, 2023

The Four Day Weekend Has Started!

I squeezed in a 30 minute treadmill run and some weights... With Mom home, if I don't get out early enough, I won't get my run in! Oh well... 

The weather was just perfect... drizzling and breezy and cold! Ha, ha, ha... not many people like it, but I sure do! My legs feel energized! So, I'm bummed that I didn't go out for a real run!

Anyhow, Isaiah took off to meet up with Vikki.

I had made a massage appointment at 3:00pm. So, we first stopped at the old house and finished up a few things. Then Mom and I had an hour and she was pretty good... But I think an hour is all she can take without getting antsy. I put two layers of diapers on her to prevent any kind of 'accidents'.

Alan had two hours from 4-6pm. And he took the bus home.

I had made "chicken very good" in my instant pot. I just named it that. It sure was 'very good'. 

Daily Lovely Insight:

psalm 6 chiastic structure

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Friday, February 24, 2023

A Planned & Fun Date!

Yes, we had fun... I did a load of laundry and went out for a run... 

Alan and I had decided to meet at home and head out at 11:30 for our date.

We were out the door at 11:39. 

We went to Miramar Food Court for lunch as it has a lot of selections. First, we stopped at Coco for Alan's favorite QQ Milk Tea and Mango Green Tea (He likes Mango Green or Passion Fruit Green!). He got a sizzling platter and I got a Taiwanese meal. YUMMY!

Then, Movie Time... A Man Called Otto. I got the time wrong. It started at 1:25. I thought it was 1:35. So, we missed the first 2 minutes.

And then we headed to our old house to tidy it up as we had people stay there for two weeks. We only had an hour and that was not enough. I will go again next week.

We rushed back barely in time. Mom was already home!

I had dinner ready... and after she went to bed, I went to pick up Isaiah and had my usual short workout at World Gym. My membership will end on March 3rd! I'm going to miss my daily stop at that place!

This evening, I also had my Bible study at 9pm via Zoom!

Daily Lovely Insight:

Deuteronomy 10:21 KJV - He is thy praise, and he is thy God, that hath

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Thursday, February 23, 2023

Ticket Purchased... Things Are Moving!

After Mom left, I had to change the sheet and do a bit of cleaning, including mopping the floor! It's been way too long since I've done it. I should do a bit more mopping... but there were too many other things calling for my attention. 

For one thing, I needed to buy a ticket for Abby before she lands in Frankfurt. I prayed and I searched. By 11:00, I had to go for a run or I won't have time for a shower before tutoring at 2pm.

I finished tutoring and rushed home and bought the ticket. 711US$ for a one way ticket from Frankfurt, Germany to Vitoria, Brazil. Wow... that's with one 23 kilos check in luggage, a handbag and a carry on! I then rushed to drop off books for donation at New Life Church. I did not have time to drop off poinsettia plants. They are in my car!

I had to rush back home. I had dinner prepared, so I popped that in the microwave and the phone rang. Yep, Mom was on her way back. 

While she had dinner, I blogged, and checked emails. 

After she went to bed, I was out the door, delivering poinsettia and going to World Gym for that 20 minute workout!

Alan had classes and basketball. Dinner was already prepared for him. YEAH!

I didn't have time to read through my "Sabbath" Notes. But I did finish my ppt and sent that off... The four day weekend is going to be very busy... since Mom will not have her day care program!

Daily Lovely Insight:

Psalm 5:7

Grace in the Old Testament – Psalm 5:7

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Wednesday, February 22, 2023

My MOE Days

I must say it is getting better... Except for the rushing in the morning to get out the door, I prepare for my MOE days.

For today, I had sent a bunch of things to my MCU email address. So, as soon as I got there, I had the computer on and started reading all these emails and answering them. I also worked on preparation for my talks on Sabbath Keeping. I did tons of research and gathered about 25 pages of information! 

I had also brought things to read in preparation for my next 8 weeks of class, which will start in April. They wanted my syllabus by March 22nd.

I did have a long article to edit and I taught from 12:30-1:30. That's always enjoyable.

In the afternoon, I went for a walk in order to hit my steps goal.

By 5:07, I was out the door and heading to World Gym. While there, I saw a message from Abby. She was at the airport and needed to purchase her ticket to Brazil. Why the rush? By the time she enters Frankfurt, Germany, she has to have a ticket to show the Customs' Officials. At least that's what her YWAM leaders were telling her. They had said this when they left Germany. This is because all visitors are only allowed a 90 day stay within the EU. She has overstayed that, even though they had made a trip to Israel. I guess it is because Israel is considered part of the EU... Some of the students went to the UK and that counted! But Abby didn't! It's crazy. So, please pray! She will be returning to Germany on 2/23, Thursday or 2/24, Friday as she has a 9-hour layover in Sao Paulo!

I came back home and started to search for flights. I was going to hit BUY, but decided to wait for confirmation.

I had tutoring at 8pm and when that was finished, I did a few chores! 

Daily Lovely Insight:

Psalm 4:4-5

Psalms 4:4-5 KJV - Stand in awe, and sin not: commune with your own heart  upon your bed, and be still. Selah.

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Tuesday, February 21, 2023

A Different PR Day!

Instead of planning anything, I just sat and read and napped and rested! I finally went out for a run at 2:30 and did 11.5kms. Then I came home, got money and went to World Gym and stopped at PXMart for tofu and soy bean milk! I walked back home and started dinner for Mom and took a shower. When Mom was eating dinner, I made pigs in a blanket for Alan's dinner and MOE! They turned out so nicely. I found an easy recipe, using pancake mix and I wanted to finish the box I bought! They looked so cute!

When Mom went to bed, I headed to Costco! I am never keen on going to Costco! But we are down to the last milk and a four day weekend is coming up. So, Isaiah will be home and I don't want to go during the four day weekend!

Alan had class all day! Tomorrow is my MOE day, so I had things set to work on! Don't want to waste time!

I have been listening to Don Moen's song, Goodness of God!


Daily Lovely Insight:

I have lived in the goodness of God... Every breathe that I am able... I will sing of the goodness of God... Your goodness is running after me... 

Think on this... Let this truth envelope you, whatever you might be going through right now!

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Monday, February 20, 2023

Trying Not to Rush!

Last night when I went to take down the recycling, a neighbor was moving and had so much stuff to give away. My scooter space was piled! So, I had to take everything down to my car.

This morning, after Mom left, I cleaned the house a bit and put veggies in the Instant Pot as I had planned on having soup, sandwich and salad for dinner! Then I took the car to the park to sort through everything. Books, toys, games... The weather was nice, so I went for a run. Because my left hip was feeling 'jammed', I only ran an hour! I didn't even hit 9kms. I didn't have time to go to world gym as I had to rush over to drop off the donations. We have more boxes going to the Philippines. 

After dropping that off, I headed home for a quick shower. This weekend I had trimmed Mom's hair, but didn't have time to trim my hair. So, I did it this afternoon.

I had to 'rush', grabbing two bananas and Ritz crackers as I had tutoring at 2pm. I got there perfectly on time. 

I went long and 'rushed' home as I had prayer time at 4pm. 

Then when that was over, the phone rang!

Tonight after Mom went to bed, I walked down to World Gym for my workout and paid a few bills at the convenience store.

Daily Lovely Insight:

I read about the man who started Evangelism Explosion... And now, he has a whole ministry to help others share their faith! This is from their web page when the founder recounted the history of EE:

As a young pastor, Jim watched all his attempts to grow his first congregation go down the tubes. His church attendance dipped. Recalling those difficult times, he said, "Extrapolation made it clear that I had two-and-a-half months of ministry left before I was preaching to only my wife—and she was threatening to go to the Baptist Church down the street!"

1 Peter 3: 15 - Prayers and Petitions

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Sunday, February 19, 2023

A Restful Sunday!

Yes, it was... I did a walk and sorted through the books in our trunk and went to World Gym.

I got Mom up and cut her hair! Looks nice! Then she had her shower and breakfast. Oatmeal with the peanut paste packet. She loves it! I let her listen to Tang Poetry while I attempted to go through the drawers in our study. I wanted to see what I can start throwing out! Yes, it's true... I've been saving things, thinking I'd write a teacher's manual/activity book. But, you know what... I don't think so... there is too much on my plate and I think it's time to move forward. I also cleaned out my bags and gave away five bags! I had to do a load of laundry as Isaiah will be bringing his stuff back this afternoon!

Isaiah and Alan went to play tennis as the weather was fabulous.

Lunch was easy... 

I called at 2pm to make an appointment for our family portrait. March 11th, Saturday, at 1:30. Hopefully, Abby will be up and ready and we will have to use a big screen! I also ordered more boxes for the Philippines and at 2:30, we were off to church!

I love our church family!

This evening, I drove Isaiah to catch his bus back to the Reserve Command Site in Taoyuan and drove home. God was with me, always, directing me home without getting lost!

I got Mom to bed and worked on finishing up a few more tasks. 

Daily Lovely Insight:

The text for today's message was from John 14:1-31. The entire passage is so beautiful. Here is verse 1:

John 14:1 – Let Not Your Heart - Encouraging Bible Verses

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Saturday, February 18, 2023

Lanterns at the SunYetShen Memorial Hall

Today was a 'work day'... So, Mom had her day care center and Alan and I had time to hang out together. Since the bank was opened, I went there and deposit a check from the insurance company. A refund!

Then I went to World Gym and did my usual run!

At 12noon, we took off for lunch! Our usual Cantonese restaurant was closed... I mean OUT OF BUSINESS. So, we had to settle for another restaurant next door. Then we walked to see the Lanterns. There were so many... and then the rehearsal for tomorrow's closing ceremony was going on... We stood there and watched! It was getting so hot... After visiting two more areas, we scootered home. 

I had dinner set up already and Isaiah messaged us! HE'S OUT! He will be in Taipei around 7:30. We will be going to the movies! YIPPY! 

Tonight was the first Discipleship Training Session. Pastor James led it and I translated.

I will report and review the movie in my blog tomorrow!

With Mom going to the Day Care Center today... it made me think, "If only they had a program for her on Saturday..."

Daily Lovely Insight:

The theme of this year's Lantern Festival was: Light up the future. Several of the winning lanterns were made by men and women who are incarcerated. And it made me think of Jesus... He is the true light of the world! He sets the prisoners free... He is truly the light that will light up the future!

Jesus is the Light of the World – John 8:12 – ScriptureWay – Whitney V.  Myers - ScriptureWay

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Friday, February 17, 2023

SlamBurgers & Shihlin Residence!

The weather here was super nice... warm, but not too hot with a mild breeze.

Alan went to play tennis after his discipleship time and I had a run after Mom went off. Then after a quick shower, I went and did a quick workout before meeting Alan at 11:30 at SlamBurgers. I got coupons for 169$ which I can spend 250$. The burgers were small but delicious!

Then we headed to the Shihlin Residence after buying fruit and veggies and Coco drinks at the ShrDong Market.

It was very crowded, which I had suspected! We went into the residence... That's a house I'd love to have! So many bedrooms... It also had his Bibles and devotional books on display. This is the house that President Chiang Kai Shek and his wife lived before they passed away.

On our way back home, we bought the movie tickets for the new Ant Man film. Isaiah will be back tomorrow and we got the 9pm tickets.

We had time for a 30 minute nap before Mom was home.

This evening we had a zoom meeting with Pastor James about the start of discipleship for House of Praise. Tomorrow night is the first 'training' session!

Daily Lovely Insight: 

God's Word Is Never Wasted (Isaiah 55:10-11) - Your Daily Bible Verse -  September 21 - Your Daily Bible Verse

This verse just seems very real to me in this season. God's promises, the Word from His mouth, shall not return without accomplishing His divine purpose! I can rest in that truth!

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Thursday, February 16, 2023

Another PR Day!

Yes, I scheduled another PR Day. I'm trying to have a weekly PR Day!

This one started with my chatting with my dear friends... Abby might be going to Brazil! To stay with Corenne. Abby's middle name is Corenne! This is an amazing development! Astounding! We will see how the Lord leads.

Then I gave myself permission to take a nap, after putting a load of laundry in the washing machine and dinner in the rice cooker!

Those two hours flew by... I wanted to sleep some more... But I also wanted to organize the towels, using the little shelf I got. I rigged it up and now, I can stack the small towels and have better access to them. YEAH! I also redid the cabinet under the kitchen sink!

The clothes were hung or put in the dryer and dinner was made. I went out for 11kms. The weather was delightful and I just ran at a slower pace. I gave myself 90 minutes, but I was finished in 77! Plenty of time for a shower and to fold and put away the clothes. Mom was back. 

This evening, I met up with a gal who wanted one of the training potties that a neighbor didn't want. I have another one for another gal. I stopped at the World Gym and picked up Mom's meds before coming home.

Alan had basketball tonight!

Isaiah messaged me: today's task was cleaning... yesterday's task was cleaning... and they do go for a 3k run and have time to play basketball! Such is the conscription live in Taiwan!

I had prayer time with a sister at 10pm and then headed off to bed!

Daily Lovely Insight: 

Guard Your Heart | Proverbs 4:23

Proverbs 4:23 Above all else, guard your heart, for everything you do flows  from it. | New International Version (NIV) | Download The Bible App Now

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Wednesday, February 15, 2023

MOE Fruitful Day!

It was a fruitful day because I was prepared!

I brought my Isaiah Bible study and finished the extensive homework.

I brought a book to look over in preparation for my tutoring.

I caught up on the news for both the US and Taiwan.

I did teach the lunch hour class, which I love. But there was no 'office hours' so I went for a 45 minute walk. I set a 12,000 steps goal each day, and without running, it's difficult to hit that goal. But with the walk and stopping at World Gym, I did it! The area around the MOE has so many shops. So, I was in search of some shoes for Mom and I found them. You can't believe the price!!! 80NT$ a pair! Tomorrow I'll get Mom to try them. I bought two pairs. For that price, why not?

Alan was putting Mom to bed when I got home at 7:00! I had my 'lunch' and checked my emails before tutoring at 8pm! When that was finished, I found these two little shelves. I used one to extend the levels of my outside food storage. It looks quite nice! I will use the second one for the bathroom cabinet. 

I switched my prayer time with a sister to Thursday night. 

Daily Lovely Insight:

Isaiah 66 ends with such beautiful promises!

bibleverse Isaiah 66:9 image by @redneck_girl_4570

Isaiah 66:18 KJV Mobile Phone Wallpaper - For I know their works and their  thoughts: it

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Tuesday, February 14, 2023

Happy Valentine's Day...

Alan and I don't really celebrate most holidays... I like things low key!

We were up early as he is sleeping quite early. I try to go to bed early... meaning if I go to bed before 10, that's early!

I was up at around 4:45. So, after my quiet time and prayer time with Alan, I went to World Gym. I knew it was going to be a busy day.

After Mom left, I went for a short run. My definition of short is anything less than 10km. I had time for 9.16kms.

And I had a quick shower and the ladies arrived! Perfect!

I had made lunch already and some of the ladies brought fruit and snacks. Yummy. 

We had 8 ladies, two new gals! And the discussion was free flowing! What a great start!

At 2pm, I headed out as the electricity was going to be shut for 90 minutes. I think they are fixing something around our neighborhood. It worked out as I wanted to donate blood, which is exactly what I did! I then got my scooter tuned up and filled up the tank!

I got home and the electricity was back on!

I had several chores to do, including cleaning up and putting things away from my morning Bible study, since I was in a rush to get out at 2pm. I then finished the homework for my next study and prepared for MOE day!

Mom was back right on time and she enjoyed her dinner! I baked! Snickerdoodle cookie bar for MOE! Good use of time.

Alan had evening class and he finished the leftovers when he got home! YEAH! He will be home tomorrow and we still have KFC from Saturday! And I set aside dinner for Mom as I arrive late on Wednesday, so Alan will have to meet Mom at 5:10 and get her started with her dinner!

Daily Lovely Insight:

Jeremiah 31:3 | Scripture Pictures by Verse | Amazing Facts | Scripture  pictures, Scripture, Scripture verses

I think on this Valentine's Day, we should be reminded of God's love towards us!

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Monday, February 13, 2023

An Unusually Mellow Day!

I had a 'mellow' Monday... in a very positive way.

I spent the morning tidying up and then ate a delicious breakfast. This was after Mom left for the Day Care Center!

Then at 10:30, I went for my run and stop at World Gym. It was very warm! I made my 10kms and had a quick shower and a nap. Then at 1pm, I was off, running errands: trying to find some new shoes for Mom, buying a lid for a rice cooker, getting some more soy bean milk, etc. I was back home by 3:17 as a friend was coming over at 3:30. 

We had our prayer time and Mom was back. And so was Alan... He was feeling tired after class and went for a run, which energized him. 

I had cooked as I have my Bible study for tomorrow! Very yummy chicken and carrots with onion!

After putting Mom to bed, I headed out to meet a friend for dinner. She's taking off for England on Friday, so it was such a treat to have dinner with her. She always treat. We met up at Mayfull, first floor coffee shop. They serve Beef Noodles! Fabulous! Now I want to buy some beef chunks and make it myself!

I was home by 9pm and Alan was still awake! Amazing!

I blogged, chatted with Isaiah and Abby and went to bed early. 

I went to bed early last night, but woke up super early... I think that's going to happen again tonight!

Daily Lovely Insight:

The Living... — Psalm 27:7-8 (NKJV) - Hear, O LORD, when I cry...

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Sunday, February 12, 2023

The Eagle Has Landed!

Yes, Alan was in Korea by 5am, and got on another flight at around 9am to Taipei. Both flights were very packed!

I picked him up at the SongShan Airport at 1:30! Then, we came home. I unpacked the box and the food items and he worked on his clothes. At 2:20, we headed to church. I had already put away all the food as I had worked to make room for everything. It was perfect! Annie sent those 'boots' for ankle injuries, which I proceeded to give away! Success! People are coming tomorrow to pick them up! When they are finished with it, they will give it back to me.

It was nice to have Isaiah at church and he drummed again.

But we could not stay long afterwards as we had to drop him off to catch the bus. He and Mom ate in the car. With Alan driving, we got there very smoothly!

We headed back home afterwards and I got Mom to bed. Alan continued to unpack and finished before he went to bed.

Isaiah lined us to say that he arrived safely back to his reserve command base! 

I went to bed early tonight... 

This week will be another busy one!

Daily Lovely Insight:

Psalms 119:167 KJV - My soul hath kept thy testimonies; and I love

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Saturday, February 11, 2023

A Warm Saturday!

Yes, the weather changed again... very warm... 

I didn't go run as I used the morning time to go and drop off a bag for a friend to bring back to Annie! Mission Accomplished!

Isaiah was home. He didn't get up to play tennis.

I got back and Mom was ready for her lunch!

Isaiah met up with Vikki at 3pm. They had dinner in Shihlin!

I went over to pray with Ariel and Robert and our pastoral couple. I let Mom listen to old Chinese songs and had a strap to keep her in the chair. Just as I got back, she had untied the strap. I can't believe it. Perfect timing! I got home just before she got up.

I went to World Gym this evening after Mom went to bed.  

Because Alan will be back tomorrow, we did not have our usual evening conversation. He was already on the plane... 

Daily Lovely Insight:

We were praying in Ariel's apartment. 

What a journey! 

The remodeling is finished. The LORD took them through the long road and did a lot of faith building in the process. 

God is more interested in growing and maturing us, not just for us to get through life and difficult circumstances with flabby spiritual muscles.

Pin on This is real Love!

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Friday, February 10, 2023

A Different Friday!

I was at World Gym at 1:45 and someone who goes there regularly asked, "How are you here at this time?" And I thought... That's right... It's Friday, and I'm usually on a date with Alan! 

On Fridays, I usually go to World Gym in the morning as I'm home by 10am.

So... what did I do today?

I had a leisurely breakfast of two hard boiled eggs and a Chinese fantwan with coffee!

I rested!

I went to Costco as Annie wanted some contact lenses for Kurtis and we have a friend going back.

I stopped at World Gym and lingered a little longer, doing more reps.

I ran my usual 10km and hit a fast 1k record of 5.41! It started raining just as I headed out. 

I sat and read.

Isaiah came home this evening and I had ordered KFC to surprise him. He gets very traditional Chinese food at the reserve command base, so he likes to have western meals on the weekends! 

I also had time to chat and pray with Alan.

Overall... it was a very refreshing Friday!

Daily Lovely Insight:

I think I forget too easily all of God's constant goodness... by slowing down, I am reminded of His Presence and His Peace. 

II Peter 1:13 says, 

What Does 2 Peter 1:13 Mean?

This verse also has the words STIR UP, which is in the passage of focus that I have for this year. God wants to stir me up by way of reminder... and I think when I slow down, I hear better!

How about you?

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Thursday, February 9, 2023

Finally... Another PR Day (Personal Retreat)

I have to be very intentional about planning these days... And I planned for this one.

No appointment... 

BUT... trying NOT to rush is the point, which is very difficult.

When I got Mom up, the sheet was wet... She had peed through three layers of clothes and I had to change the sheet... So, that threw out my original 'time schedule'. I had set on going for a run as soon as Mom left, and that didn't happen. Yes, I could have changed the sheet while she's having dinner, but I had set that time to do what I'm doing now -- blogging!

So... I did the cleaning and then at 9:45, I decided to change plans and catch the elusive nap! YES, I did... I napped! It was marvelous... I could have slept the day away. But no... I got up at 11:30 and headed out. This was my afternoon plan! Go to Shihlin Residence Tulip Festival and maybe the Lantern Festival on the other side of town too.

It was the first day and there was quite a crowd. The weather was magnificent! I walked around and I just love tulips. The museum was closed for lunch, and I told Alan that we will have to go on 2/17. 

I then was overly ambitious and scootered to the Sun Yet Shen Memorial Hall... where the lanterns were on display. Wow... I couldn't even find a scooter parking, so I gave up that plan and went home! Which actually worked out as I had time for a run and a quick stop at World Gym. No time to use the jacuzzi or the sauna, which was part of my plans for today. I got back and as I popped Mom's dinner into the microwave, the phone rang... YUP! The van was heading over!

During dinner, I had a shower... and checked my emails.

After Mom went to bed, I headed out to drop off donations and get a massage! 

I also had prayer time with a sister and then with Alan.

Daily Lovely Insight:

The Hebrew root to the word, Sabbath, means to cease or to stop. And this is one area that I'm working on this year. Being intentional about keeping the heart of the Sabbath. As a believer, how do I keep the Sabbath when Jesus is the Lord of the Sabbath? I don't want this to be a routine or a ritual. I want this to build and deepen my relationship with God. So, what do you think? Do you keep a "Sabbath"? That's why I'm setting aside days to be a PR Day. I'm trying to do four a month. It's not 24 hours as I have the care of my elderly Mom. It's about 8 hours, 4 times a month! It's a start!

“By the seventh day God had finished the work he had been doing; so on the seventh day he rested from all his work. Then God blessed the seventh day and made it holy, because on it he rested from all the work of creating that he had done.” (Genesis 2:2-3)

Seek Him First!

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Wednesday, February 8, 2023

MOE Class Has Started!

It was a rush to get Mom out and into the van... and I was on the road, heading to the MOE Office. I didn't get there until 9:20!

There was nothing to edit, except three posters.

I had emailed myself things to do, such as the ppt for my talk on 2/26, emails to respond to, essays to read. It made the day go by a lot faster... and my lunch time class started back up. So, no chance to run around the CKS Memorial Hall. I had 12 ladies signed up for the class... four newcomers! I had put together a list of questions regarding their CNY vacation. It was a very enjoyable hour.

At 5:20, I headed out and went to World Gym before rushing to be home by 7pm.

The lady left, Mom was in bed, I put everything away, and tutoring started at 8pm.

At 9:05, I was out the door to run errands -- bills to pay!

Isaiah was lining me throughout the day. He is now in Taoyuan/Chungli and he will be back on Friday night. He can leave at 6pm, but I can't go and pick him up because Mom is due back at 5:10. Plus the traffic is bad at that hour. So, he is going to take a taxi with a few of the other cadets and I'll pick him up at around 7pm, which is perfect as Mom would be in bed by then.

At 10;15, Alan called... and then just before 11pm, the driver that picked up Nic and Eddie came over here as I was to pay him an extra 200NT$ because the pick up time was before 7am. 

I felt so sustained by God... Tomorrow is my Personal Retreat Day! YIPPY!

Maybe I'll get that elusive nap!

Daily Lovely Insight:

The LORD sustained me... 

240 God Is My Strength Images, Stock Photos & Vectors | Shutterstock

Joy Lord Strength Stock Illustrations – 38 Joy Lord Strength Stock  Illustrations, Vectors & Clipart - Dreamstime

Seek Him First!

Jeremiah 29:11 - Best Bible Verse - Bible Verse Images

Tuesday, February 7, 2023

The Elusive Nap!

I wrote to Pam, one of my best friends, that I'd have time to take naps today... Well... I guess I spoke too soon!

After Mom left, I did another load of laundry. I don't know how the time between 9-11 flew by! I organized Mom's clothes, and bathroom cabinet. I organized the goods we got from Annie and the kitchen cabinets, so that when Alan comes, I'd have room for what he will be bringing. 

At 11:00, I left to run errands! First, I stopped at World Gym -- 20 minutes. Then went to two different iPhone places. One had only one person working, so the phone won't be finished until later on this evening. Another place could get it done in 10 minutes. But for some reason, my screen now is wacky. I went back to ask him to test everything. He said that it's all fine... but it's not. I will have to go back again... tomorrow! Then, I went and bought bananas, got cash and updated my bank book, and met with Isaiah at the cell phone place. He wanted to upgrade his contract. We got that done and I went to ask about my Costco credit card. My expires in March of this year and Cathay will be terminating their contract with Costco. So, they will mail another credit card that I can use from March to August! We will have to switch to Fubon Bank, which got the contract for offering the credit card for Costco members. I was home by 1pm and changed to my running clothes. Finished 10km and rushed home to shower and change. Isaiah and I were out the door at 3:10 to pick up things that Annie had sent with a friend and to drop him off at the meeting place for the bus back to Yilan!

The traffic back home started. I got home, put the food in the microwave and the phone rang. Yup!

After Mom went to bed, I was out the door for my evening Bible study!

The phone was still wacky. But I prayed and after my Bible study, it seems to be working again!

I got home at 9:15pm and chatted and prayed with Alan, when he called after 10pm!

I was so happy to be in bed... 

Daily Lovely Insight:

Isaiah let me listen to a short sermon blurp:

Don't let your ears be trash cans to the profanity, crude, lust-filled things that are around. Be intentional about censoring what you listen to. 


Seek Him First!

Jeremiah 29:11 - Best Bible Verse - Bible Verse Images

Monday, February 6, 2023

A Day of Cleaning!

I got up at 3:56! YUP!

And Eddie and Nic were downstairs, waiting for the taxi by 5:18. The traffic was so smooth that the ride was only 33 minutes! I could have driven... but I'm glad I didn't. It was dark... and I get lost easily! Spending the money for a taxi was the right decision!

I came back upstairs and stripped everything and started to put back my clothes into my chest of drawers. I rolled up the mat and the sleeping bag and did what I can before getting Mom up.

When she left, Isaiah was up and he helped me. We took everything down to the local Laundromat after I put one load into our washer! We used two industrial sized machines! He waited there to put everything into the dryer, while I went for a run and a quick stop at World Gym.

Isaiah went and met up with his old roommate from Coventry and had lunch together and went for a walk at the Riverside Park! The weather was fantastic!

I came back from my run and picked up the finished wash! Everything was nearly completely dried! I brought things up and took a shower before busying myself with folding what was in the dryer at our house and spreading everything out from the Laundromat.

I then started making dinner for this week as I'll be gone all day Wednesday. Fish sticks, cheesy rice and broccoli. I also baked for MOE.

I made the beds and the house smelled so nice... not only because it was thoroughly cleaned but because of the oatmeal raisin cookies! Not to mention the dinner that was cooking in the electric pressure cooker!

Isaiah was back and he helped to put things under the storage unit of our bed. He lifted while I laid the extra blankets back into the storage area.

Mom was back... Isaiah went down to get her.

After Mom went to bed, Isaiah and I went to get a massage! YES, it's true... I finally went! Isaiah rode the scooter.

I also made a decision. I will not buy a better phone as iOS 15 can still be updated on an iPhone 6! I'm very happy. I changed the battery for 700NT$! I will wait until my phone can no longer update the latest version of iOS.

And yes, I got to talk and pray with Alan!

Sleep at 11:45 never felt so good!

Daily Lovely Insight:

These verses rang so true in my heart today... 

Jeremiah 32:38-42 & Psalm 119:68 --

Jeremiah 32:38-42 | Jeremiah 32, Holy bible, Jeremiah


Seek Him First!

Jeremiah 29:11 - Best Bible Verse - Bible Verse Images 

Sunday, February 5, 2023

Sunday Already!

I sent Eddie and Nic to the National Palace Museum after getting some 'fantwan'. Then I came home to get Mom up and eating her breakfast!

Isaiah and I started to clean... the bathrooms and dusting and mopping! I will have more to do on Monday, so I cancelled my tutoring and ordered a taxi for Eddie and Nic. I think I just need to rest and not try to rush around, especially if it's raining!

Then when Eddie and Nic finished with the Museum, I picked them up and sent them over to get a massage!

I went back home and fed Mom lunch and kept cleaning!

At 2:30, I went and picked up Eddie and Nic and headed to church.

Church was quite packed as everyone was back!

Eddie and Nic attended, but I'm not sure how much they were listening!

Tonight Isaiah went and played basketball and we came home, after dropping off some new friends.

Eddie and Nic packed while I got Mom to bed!

Then Eddie, Nic and I headed to Shihlin Night Market! It wasn't so crowded as it was raining! But it was still fun!

Tomorrow, Eddie and Nic will be taking off early! I will spend the day, stripping all the bedding and cleaning the house!

Daily Lovely Insight:

John 9:1-12

What Jesus cares about is very different from what we are concerned about. The disciples asked him, why the blind man was blind from birth? Their reasoning did not come close to God's point of view!

And so often, we try to figure things out on our own, when we should ask God for a deeper connection to His heart and then we will see the purpose of our circumstances.

Why Was He Blind? - The Light of Christ Journey

Seek Him First!

Jeremiah 29:11 - Best Bible Verse - Bible Verse Images