Wednesday, November 9, 2022

Another Long MOE Day!

Even with Alan coming home to help take Mom down to the first floor for the Day Care Center van, I still can't get to the MOE by 9am. This morning, I got there around 9:05!

We had two articles to proof and I taught at lunch time! I had only one afternoon appointment, but I had plenty of other things to get done.

After work, I rushed to Carrefour to buy ice cream as we are making banana splits for my SooChow Bible study tomorrow. It's to celebrate the 'end of midterms'.

I came home and did the bedtime routine for Mom and started to work!

I had tutoring and translating and praying with a gal at 10pm.

A church friend came by at around 9:15 to drop off a headlight. I'm going to try it out these next few days in preparation for my overnight run! At the MOE, I looked at other ultras... For my 70th, I want to go abroad. There is the Ultra X in Scotland! That looks absolutely amazing. It's around the Lochness area! But it's two days... 60 km + 50 km! And the packing list is long... I don't have any of that stuff... So... I'll need to look at something easier!

Daily Lovely Insight:

This passage carried me through:

Matthew 11:28-30 - I Will Give You Rest - Free Art Download - Bible Verses  To Go

Seek Him First!

2 Peter 3:9 - The Lord is not slow in keeping his promise, as so...