Wednesday, August 17, 2022

Another Wednesday -- FINISHED!

I'm so glad that these rush-around Wednesdays are finished! When I come back from my vacation, Alan and Isaiah will be here. That means I don't need to rush there or to rush back. Alan has no class on Wednesday, so he can help me with Mom! YIPPY!

It was a busy morning. I had a few things to edit! But I had time to catch up on news... Cambodia scam is a big thing here... 

I had another great class... and the evaluation was very positive. In the afternoon, I had more students coming to chat! YIPPY!

I packed up and left the office by 5:02 and made it to the Center by 5:50!!

Mom had dinner and I got her off to bed by 7:30 and I took off for World Gym. I wanted to do weights and a run! Couldn't fit all that in!

Prayer time with a sister at 9:30. Prayer time with Alan at 10:15. Blogged and went to bed... tomorrow is another busy day. I will have to call about one agency and another person recommended by another friend will be coming at 5pm for an 'interview'. I pray that by Friday, things would be set!

Daily Lovely Insight:

Ezekiel is so amazing. That's the power of God's word. Each time I read the same passage, it speaks to me in a different way because of the season in my life.

God shows Ezekiel that people cannot hide from Him!

It goes with the book that I'm reading about Emotionally Healthy Spirituality. 

You can't pretend with God. 

Ezekiel 8:12 KJV

Seek Him First!

2 Peter 3:9 – Daily Verse | KCIS 630