The day was wet... but by the time we went out for our HOP Prayer Walk, it was muggy, but not raining! The temperature was a tad cooler. But looking at this week, the temperature will soar again... WAH!
I got Mom up and fed... I cut Alan's hair and did a few household chores. We had to leave early to get to church. I was preparing for my MOE class and had a few things to make copies.
We didn't have that many people. Many were home as they tested positive for Covid.
But what a powerful message the Lord put on our heart!
Daily Lovely Insight:
7 Highlights:
- God’s Holy Spirit helps us in our weakness and intercedes for us with groanings that are beyond words. Rom. 8:26
- Our chief work as followers of Christ is to be praying and interceding for others.
- Christ came, lived, died and rose again. He now lives forever as an intercessor.
- We can no longer ‘play’ at prayer.
- God is calling us to be praying for those who are persecuted. I Cor. 12:26
- God is calling us to be praying for leaders and governments. I Tim. 2:1-4
- God is calling us to pray boldly, moving away from selfish, self-centered, prayer.
Seek Him First!

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