Friday, April 15, 2022

Fun Day Out!

I got Mom ready and off and then went back to sleep.

I was going to go for a run, but I was just so tired.

Alan and Abby came back from playing tennis.

And we went off to a new place for lunch. Delicious! Scrumptious!

Then we went to pick up hot cross buns and from there I ran home. What a great run! It was cooler and I love that kind of weather.

I got home just in time to take a quick shower, get Mom's dinner ready and Mom was back.

I cut her hair tonight. And after she went to bed, I rode over to Elaine's house and picked up more stuff. I was going to this afternoon, but we were running late.

What a fun day!

I felt so revived from going back to bed... I love the early morning hours with Jesus, but rarely have the time to just go back to bed. I get started with a chore and that leads to another chore and onward and forward. 

Daily Lovely Insight:

For Good Friday, I felt this was a marvelous meditation!

J. I. Packer:

Though we negate secular humanist doctrine, we live by its value system and suffer its symptoms: Man-centeredness as a way of life, with God there to care for me; preoccupation with wealth, luxury, success, and lots of happy sex as means of my fulfillment; unconcern about self-denial, self-control, truthfulness, and modesty; high tolerance of moral lapses, with readiness to make excuses for ourselves and others in the name of charity; indifference to demands for personal and church discipline; prizing ability above character, and ducking out of personal responsibilities - is any of that Christian? The truth is that we have met the secular humanist enemy, and ethically, it is us. Shame on us? Yes, every time. 

"Decadence a la Mode"

Christ came, died on the cross, and rose again so that we can shine as light in the midst of darkness. 

May we live to honor Jesus!

Good Friday around the world in 2022 | Office Holidays

Seek Him First!

2 Peter 3:9 – Daily Verse | KCIS 630