Saturday, December 18, 2021

Taiwan Referendum

It was another early morning... and yes, another load!

No run... wahhhhh...

I was going to push Mom down in the wheelchair to vote, but it was quite cold and she was going back to the room and walking around. Abby and I went and voted. I am very disappointed with the results! 

Alan and I also had a housewarming party to attend. Abby was home to care for Mom. It was so much fun to see their new place and to catch up with them and meet their church friends. And it was interesting as many of those there are dealing with the same issue that I have with my mom! Several of their parents have dementia... One has a 24/7 caretaker! Another has his father in a nursing home. Another is doing like what I do, except that on the weekends, they have full time caretakers and during the weekdays, the siblings all take turn to care for the parents. Anyhow, it was just nice to hear from others who are in the same situation! Very encouraging! I wish we could have stayed longer, but we had to rush back so that I can get Mom her dinner and take care of her bedtime routine.

Mom did get to talk to Annie, which was nice!

We had Family Time tonight as Isaiah is on vacation! So after Abby finished her tutoring, we were able to catch up with each other. He's been off to London and we wanted to hear about his adventures.

Daily Lovely Insight:

Isaiah 58:11

I gave this verse to the people who just bought a house and moved in... 

What a beautiful promise!

Seek Him First

!2 Peter 3:9 – Prayers and Petitions


  1. Maybe you can get some tips from your friends too about caring for mom......... never know we are so grateful for mom's care

  2. Yes, I know you all are very supportive! They suggested looking into full time care!
