Friday, November 5, 2021

Flea Market!

After Mom went off and laundry was in the washer, I took off for a run and then met up with Alan and Abby at the tennis court. I can't play worth beans! I need to get better.

We came home and showered and headed out.

Lunch at a new place and then we walked to the "Flea Market" at the old bottle cap factory in Nangang. It was so much fun! Old record players and tape players, knickknacks, typewriters, cameras, toys, desk lamps, furniture... and the stuff was EXPENSIVE! I loved the jewelry and trench coats. All those items were from the UK. Exquisite. Someone must have gone to the UK and went through their second hand stores. Old watches were expensive too... Nothing was affordable. I saw lots of old fountain pens. It was a walk down memory lane for Alan and I.

We came back by 4pm. I needed to get Mom's meal and make her bed.

We also had dinner plans with friends! Pizza party!

I wish Isaiah was with us... He would have enjoyed everything!

Daily Lovely Insight:

The Living... — Ezra 8:22 (NKJV) - For I was ashamed to request of...

God's word has a lot of contrasts... Seek Him or Forsake Him... God gives us choices each day. 

How will you choose?

Seek Him First!

Psalm 67:1-7 May God Be Gracious To You On Today — Tell the Lord Thank You