Friday, August 20, 2021

Another Fruitful Day!

Yes, the day went by too fast!

Isaiah went over to hang out with Vikki after playing tennis.

Abby had her internship.

Alan started the morning with Discipleship.

I got Mom ready and she was off... I was FREE to get things done. Cooked dinner! Put away the clothes. Tidied up her room. 

Alan had a talk with Mom Bea... NICE!

And then we headed out to pick up the rice cooker, reserve the restaurant for Saturday, go to Costco. Actually, I went and did the shopping while Alan had lunch. RT Mart didn't have any discounted items. I then walked over to Costco, hoping to get romaine lettuce and cucumbers. The veggies were so expensive. And there were people fighting over boxes of dragon fruit. I guess there were seven boxes left and one person wanted all seven. But another person wanted one, so they started grabbing and yelling. It was crazy. There was also a limit on frozen veggies. You can't imagine how expensive veggies are. I got one small bag of mixed salad -- US$8. One small bag of spinach leaf -- US$8. One small bag of lettuce -- US$8. Only carrots were cheaper -- US$3. So, even though I didn't think I was going to get much at Costco, I still ended up spending about 150US$. I AM NOT KIDDING! I can list what I bought and it truly wasn't much! 

We came home and I was tired just from going to Costco. I had another cup of coffee! Then proceeded to put everything away. 

There was a fan at our front door. Yes, I am now known in our complex as the person who fixes things. 

The rain never came. The screen guy called and said that he will be over. But I wanted to go for a run. Alan was home, so I had only 50 minutes. 8km. And no rain, so it was HOT!

Mom was home promptly at 5:13! The screen guy was here. Alan left for more tennis. 

Mom had a quick chat with James. 

I had tutoring tonight!

It will be so nice to have our windows open... hopefully, the weather will be cool like last night. It was down in the high 70's! It was so comfortable that I felt lured to be out... 

Daily Lovely Insight: 

Bone of His Bone: F.J. Huegel: 9780875086897 -

F.J. Huegel wrote a book, Bone of His Bone and High Peaks of Redemption.

Here is the summary of Bone of His Bone:

The book you see on your screen is one of the great Christian classics of the twentieth century. If you will look at the lives of men and women whom God has profoundly transformed throughout history, you will discover that God always uses the same truths. It is these very truths which Huegel presents in this book. Bone of His Bone has deeply affected the lives of tens of thousands of Christians in the twentieth century. Huegel covers material here that has been neglected in today's Christian community. How often do we hear the message of oneness with the Lord Jesus Christ? How often do we hear the message of the cross as it works in the Christian's life? Huegel points us to a life that is participation in Christ rather than imitation of Christ. He reveals to us that the cross and Christian growth are inseparable. Bone of His Bone, like so many great books, has virtually disappeared from Christian literature because the language became archaic to today's readers. It is the privilege of SeedSowers Publishing House to present this edited and modernized version of a great piece of Christian literature, making the paramount message of Huegel's book once more available to today's Christian audience. (

Sounds very fascinating to me!

Seek Him First!

psalm 67 chiastic structure


  1. I cannot believe how expensive food is there !! wow, guess you can only eat meat now? Or is that expensive too?

  2. Meat is not expensive! But I don't like meat. I like veggies.
