Wednesday, April 21, 2021

The Scooter Problem and Other Tasks!

The problem with the scooter is the chip in the key. The company has already stopped producing this key and can't fix it. There might be a possibility of replacing the whole starter... Until that is taken cared of, we have borrowed a scooter from a friend at church!

I continue to work on the dissertation and finished another student's essay.

There were several errands to run... clothes to mail off, bills to pay, books to return.

Tutoring at 5pm for two hours... and I thought about running this evening, but there was more to do. This morning was just too hot... I didn't want to melt... this evening the weather was just perfect... But looking at what still had to be done... 

Please pray for Annie, who had a hip replacement surgery. Pray for her recovery.

We are still trying to read up on all the requirements and documents needed for Isaiah. Whether or not you are vaccinated, upon arriving back to Taiwan, you have to undergo quarantine -- 14 days of seclusion and 7 days of self care quarantine. So... it means neither Alan nor I will be going with Isaiah. Please pray... How strict is the quarantine requirement for England? If they are strict and we can't do anything for 10 days, then for sure we will not go with Isaiah. I will keep you posted.

Alan had counseling this evening. Abby had tutoring. 

Daily Lovely Insight:

I received a text message today that the overnight facility will have space for my mom in May! What a miracle! This was not possible, but the LORD made it possible! What do I hope to do? We are not planning on a trip, but I am planning to do two things --  go for a longer run and spend time to do nothing but read! My weekends have been so centered on the care of my Mom. And when Mom had those four days at the overnight facility, it was because we were traveling.  God is so faithful. He hears our prayers and He opens the way. To me, it's like the parting of the Red Sea. On Tuesday, we talked about the seeds of provision. God plants those seeds but they might not blossom until we have a need. God planted these seeds of providing for overnight care for my Mom... and now they are blossoming, just when I need it most. 

Thank you, JESUS!

Seek Him First!

Blessed to Be a Blessing – Hampden United Methodist Church


  1. will mom be there everyday or just the weekend?

    1. I'm getting the free days used... So I have 14 days a year... I still have to pay 370NT$ per day. Thus, I'm trying to get one weekend each month! Then I can have a free weekend!
