Wednesday, December 9, 2020

Very Cold and Rainy!

My Soochow University study decided to postpone until next week because of the flea market they are sponsoring for the next three days! I went by just to spread Christmas cheer, by passing out candy canes and greeting people. It was fun!

Then I went and returned some CDs and get an old phone fixed... A friend gave it to me and the home button is broken and it needed a new battery. The whole bill will be about 80US$! It's an iPhone 6 with 256 memory... I think!

My stomach is still acting funny. Every time I eat, I feel bloated. NOT comfortable at all... Or it's painful like it's trying to churn and digest what I've eaten! So, I had two small cups of yogurt and two pieces of fruit. I will wait to see if my stomach will be feeling better tomorrow! No energy to run! Of course, the weather has also been very cold and wet.

This evening I had to tutor from 5-7pm and maybe I'll have a break during their Christmas holiday! 

Daily Lovely Insight:

The Lord sustained me through another day... Having stomach problems is really hard on the whole body! I hope the LORD will bring complete healing! It's not just not having the energy, but I have no appetite. Each time I eat, I don't feel well... I realize how important that organ is... just like the heart or the brain. No wonder the word of God says in John 7:38

Seek Him First!