Friday, October 2, 2020

Paragliding... Mom LOVED It!

We have had quite an exciting day... 

Mom talked to Eddie and was much more alert... 

We took off at 12:30 and headed out to Wanli. On top of a cliff over looking the beach, we took Mom paragliding. Eight of us did it... Mom was first! And she loved it. She wanted to do it again, and again, and again! It was about 55US$ per person!

We left and went to the beach. There on the beach was a group of 'gang members' having a BBQ and playing mahjong! Mom wanted to have their food... they would have said, "Sure..." It was quite fun to see these wonderful individuals with their body tattoo, and their girlfriends and wives and kids! Alan went into the water. I was going to go for a run, but Mom got bored!

We decided to go to Costco for dinner as I also had to get a bit of grocery shopping done. Mom had pizza and desserts and ate and ate and ate!

We were home by 8pm and I got busy with putting away the food and getting Mom to bed!

Abby and I went down to World Gym at 10pm and after she signed up, I went for a run!

Isaiah was with Vikki all day. We have more plans for tomorrow... What a holiday!

Daily Lovely Insight:

At the paragliding site, everyone was amazed that Mom wanted to do it. Two young ladies said, "I hope I can be like her when I'm 89!" All the 'coaches' and helpers were super helpful. They helped with the takeoff and the landing. I'm glad I got them lots of business. There were 8 of us... and there was a steady stream of people. Flying up above and looking around, it was not scary at all. It was not like a thrill ride at the amusement park. It was just nice to be up above it all. So, it reminded me of the verse, Psalm 61:2.

Seek Him First!

1 comment:

  1. SHE is famous now, the oldest one in Taiwan to do it????
