No tutoring... No appointments...
Usually I have a 'free' day until 5pm when I have to rush off to tutor... Or I have a free day until 7pm when I have to rush off to my Bible study.
So, Alan and I hung out together.
I did a load of laundry... and we did our devotional book together.
I had found a new place for a Chinese massage. So, we went there at 1pm. We loved it so much that we bought 10 more! 35US$ for 90 minutes! I felt so much better... It was totally worth it!
I reserved a special restaurant for Alan and Isaiah. Mongolian BBQ -- all you can eat! If Kurtis, KR, Annie and James were here, they all would love it. The amount and variety of meat are just astounding! You load up your bowl and they 'cook' it for you... you can have as much as you want! Alan lost a few pounds from the tournament. Isaiah started practice again. So they both wanted a good all you can eat place. Abby went out with friends. And I had to stay home with Mom!
The evening was restful... NO counseling... NO meeting!
Daily Lovely Insight:
What does this mean? I looked it up and it was explained in this way:
To receive God's message and toss it aside without letting God's grace to work in our lives and change us. The Gospel of the cross should transform us. As children of the Living God, do we reflect the beauty of His grace? So Paul warned the Corinthians and so God's word still speaks to us today!
Seek Him First!
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