So, we were out by 10:30... Made an appointment for a massage... YIPPY...
Then had lunch at this steak and Cantonese lunch box place. It had three kinds of bread spread, two kinds of soup and a soda fountain!
Then we went for a ride to the mountains near Soochow, looking for this waterfall... Well... they have put a gate around it as people were BBQing there and the place got really trashed up.
We rode there and then came back another way... We came down near our old house and that whole area has been really upgraded! I was very impressed!
We came just in time to get Mom...
What a fun date...
This evening, I went for a run at 8pm, hoping that it would cool down... NO! HOT, HOT, HOT... at least it was not sizzling hot...
We were going to have our Family Night, but Isaiah had a team dinner... So maybe tomorrow!
Alan and I ended up watching FBI!
Daily Lovely Insight:
Malachi 1: 6-14 is often thought of as an expression of the "heart of God". Jesus' blood reconciled us even though we don't deserve it... And often times, instead of an overflow of gratitude, we offer God with less than the best... We offer Him our leftovers... A change is absolutely necessary... The Lord asks, "Where is my honor?" It's a good wake-up call!
Seek Him First!
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