Sunday, February 2, 2020

The Redeeming Presence of God

I had a chance to speak this morning at Glory English Ministry. My topic: The Redeeming Presence of God!

Isaiah 44:22 and Titus 2:11-14

God redeemed us not just to sit and wait for his second coming. He redeemed us to deny ungodliness and live lives that would lead all men to Christ.

After speaking, I went to a shop that was closing out... and everything was 50% off! The shelves were so empty!  I met up with Abby and had a massage before our HOP service!

It was the first Sunday after Chinese New Year, but since the corona virus has hit Asia, anyone with a hint of being sick has been advised to stay home! So... we didn't have a large group tonight...

We came home and I was busy cleaning up... since I was gone all day. Scrubbing the toilet, doing the laundry, putting things away and cleaning up... That's the one thing I strongly dislike about being away for the day. When I get home, the house is a mess! No one bothered to tidy up after themselves!

Isaiah wanted to get his hair cut, so I did that, too...

I'm glad I'll have tomorrow to rest up!

Seek Him First!
Image result for Titus 2: 11-14"



  2. We have a list... job duties... but the three of them do not follow through! Plus, when they have Grandma duty, they think that's more than enough...
