Thursday, March 7, 2019

Home Bound!

It was so wet and cold that we did not go out all day...

I was going to take Mom to the local supermarket to pick up a few things... but... it was just too gray outside.

I even drove to tutor instead of riding my scooter... That was how wet and cold it was!

Mom has a big day tomorrow... as I'm going to try the elderly day care from 9-5. We will see how that works...

Since we were home all day, I decided to work on my upcoming talks. Amazingly, I got two done and one more to go... of course, I still have to work on the ppt files...

Next Thursday I won't have the time to relax as I will start teaching again at the Foreign Police Station!

But it sure was nice to get things done today!

I even had time to take a nap!

Seek Him First!
Image result for Psalm 24: 10


  1. She would love it there, I am sure......

  2. She did love it... but she made two big messes when she went to the restroom. I had warned them but they didn't believe me! Poop EVERYWHERE!
