I am always helping people out...
My husband wants me to find candy canes...
My son asks me about improving his writing...
My daughter forgets to bring something and wants me to drop it off for her...
And of course, Mom is constantly asking me to help... especially since we don't let her go to the bathroom on her own...
Friends are also asking me to help them with things...
Now... PLEASE... don't get me wrong... I love helping people and that's probably why people ask me to help them... I truly believe in the Bible when it says, "WHATEVER YOU DO, DO IT HEARTILY AS UNTO THE LORD..." When I help others, I put my whole heart into helping them... it's not a lackadaisical, get-it-done, way of helping...
So... from the moment I wake up to the minute I close my eyes... it's do, do, do...
And that's why the most precious times in my day are -- my first hour with God... and my 30 minutes of a run... During those minutes, I am 'doing nothing'... and that's why I enjoy long runs... No one is asking me to help them with anything...
That kind of solitude is serenity... is refreshing... is rest! It centers me to see life with an eternal perspective... And I guess that's one reason that I tell people... I don't love running... I love being alone!
Seek Him First!
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