Sunday, October 14, 2018

What Is... Is What It Is...

The kid that Isaiah had the accident with insist on going to his scooter place...

Isaiah has not slept well, thinking about this.

So, today we've decided...

Meet on Wednesday and just give him 15,000NT$ (500US$) and sign off on the release form and be done with it.

I didn't want to do this as I feel that it is just a rip off... He probably won't use the money to fix his scooter as the damage is minimal. He listed every small scratch as a major repair in which he wanted the entire piece to be replaced. Our scooter had two pieces that were completely split in half. Those had to be changed. But the parts that had slight scratches we just said forget it... and our total was 4700NT$ (160US$).

Anyhow, Isaiah has to be responsible and will be paying me 2,000NT$ per month until it is paid off.

Please pray as Alan will go with Isaiah on Wednesday, 10/17, at 3:30pm to meet up with this kid at the local police station and get this done... A couple of the police officers will be the official witnesses!

And appropriately, I spoke on James 1: 2-18. A New Perspective on Trials -- Friends or Foes? Actually, I only finished James 1: 2-8! I never had time to do the whole assigned passage! But Alan was very encouraging as he said it was perfect because the verses from 9-18 were the parts that he wanted to focus on for Children's Day! Yeah God!

Seek Him First!
Image result for James 1: 2


  1. Still praying for Isaiah. Psalms 27:5-6 For in the day of trouble he will keep me safe in his dwelling.I will sing and make music to the Lord.

  2. Thank you for your prayer support... Much appreciated... Please keep praying!
