She spent over an hour on the phone trying to firm up the cruise part of the trip for January. We wanted the cabins to be across from each other, but the agent said that the cruise is almost fully booked. The best we can have is one on C Deck and the other on D Deck. We are totally cool with an interior room... at the lowest cost! Annie and KR, since they are going to have Mom in their room, want a balcony suite! We don't care as we are not planning to be spending a lot of time in the room. The food and activities are the same, so why pay more for a nicer room!?!?! At least that's our way of looking at things.
Annie will let me know tomorrow and I will book the plane tickets. I found round trip tickets to Singapore for about 350US$! DIRECT! Scoot tickets are cheaper, but there is a layover in the Philippines and you have to pay for the meal and luggage, I think. Scoot was 270US$. Annie and KR will come to Taiwan for a couple of days and then we hope to go together to Singapore! YIPPY!
I also talked with Alan this morning as he is trying to firm up the cruise for July! I think we have decided on going to the East Coast and parts of Canada. After the cruise, we hope to spend a few days in New York and Washington DC.
It was another busy day... but God is moving and things are happening...
Seek Him First!
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