I wanted to write a longer post yesterday... but when Isaiah came home, I wanted to catch up with what's going on with Vikki's recovery and things...
Now, I have been busy... of course... I do want to clarify about my mom talking, talking and talking... It's more repetitive questions... And as for her "bad habit", yes, she is back at it, UNLESS you are standing right there... You can't leave her, not even for a minute!
One thing that I've been busy with is I've been on the computer A LOT... not because I am surfing on facebook or watching youtube videos... but I've been trying to book TWO CRUISES for 2019.
I think for our family picture in 2019, I'm going to name the theme as CRUISING!
In January, we're going on a cruise in Asia with my family. It's my mom's 88th birthday and my brother, Eddie and Sandy's, 25th wedding anniversary.
In July, we're going on a cruise with Alan's family. It's Mom Bea's 90th and Alden and Gina's 25th wedding anniversary.
Totally weird... What a coincidence! God is at work...
I know where we will go for January but I can't pinpoint where we will go for July. There are so many options!
Because we have to book flight and cruise, plus I want to stick to a budget, it's been very difficult to nail things down. I hope to have it all finished before the end of September!
I know God is at work... so I just want to join Him in what He is doing... He has this all planned out... Oh... so where are we going in January? Asia, of course! How about July? Alaska? Canada and the East Coast? Germany and the Baltic Sea? Ireland and the UK? France? Italy? Greece? The options are endless... But I've narrowed it down by using these criteria... if in Europe, I don't want the total flight and layover to be over 14 hours. The cruise will be 7 days... And the total cost of cruise and flight to be under $1770! (That does not include excursions or souvenirs or gratuity!)
Oh... how many people are we talking about?
January -- About 10 people
July -- about 14 people
Seek Him First!