I was out tutoring... Alan was at his basketball game...
Abby got home and got on line...
She was only fiddling with the selection and clicked Soochow University, Social Work Department first and then went on to putting National Taipei University Sociology as second... Fujen University, Family and Children's Counseling as third... and so on. She hit "Save", not knowing that once you do that, it's set. She tried to go back to change the order. She could not!
To me, that was just purely the work of God's hands...
She was very unhappy... She wanted to flip her first and second choice... she was only testing the system... But I'm so glad it worked out this way!
Both Alan and I truly believe that Soochow is the school for her...
Thank you for your prayers... I am so relieved!
And, as for my mom, I splurged and bought her this hearing contraption and now I can have a conversation with her. I'll see how long this works...
Finally, the washer decision... We had to decide to fix our old one as we just can't squeeze two machines back on our back balcony at this point of time... We would have to have three days to clear out the area and redo the shelves. And I told Alan, "I don't have the time to do that!" Buying one of those two-in-one is risky. We've asked several people and they all advised against it... So, we're going to pay 130US$ and get our old one fixed... but at the first sign of anything being torn or ripped or eaten, we're going to fork out the money and buy a new one!
Seek Him First!
That is so weird that she hit save and it meant YOU DONT GET TO CHANGE YOUR MIND..... and that is YOUR first choice, but why didn't abby want that????