Friday, October 13, 2017


Last week the items I wanted were NOT on sale... but today, Alan and I went again and WOW!!

All the drink mixes -- soy bean milk, coffee, ginger tea, chrysanthemum -- and the soup mixes that Annie wanted -- buy one get one free... sort of... buy one and the second one is 40% off! Two bags for about 5US$! That's a bargain!  Anyhow, I spent 130US$! And I even found a hip pack that Annie asked for -- 3US$! I went to several stores, but they didn't have the simple hip packs with just two pockets... and for under 100NT$! But as I walked out of RTMart, they had a small booth and sure enough, they had one! Hanging right outside of their store... on sale! You guessed it... 100NT$! Perfect!

So, now, I have quite a pile in a corner of my living room.

Honestly, looking at what I have accumulated, I think I am overweight already!

Seek Him First!
Image result for Psalm 67: 7

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