Then after calling my mom, I took off to drop off something to bless this couple. They live on the other side of Taipei, but I just wanted them to know that I was praying for them. I was hoping that the day wasn't that hot... but it was...
After seeing them, I went to scooter around this one particular area that I have been looking to buy... It has been 'weird' as almost every apartment that I have shown an interest in has sold... I don't have too many more days as I can't make an offer on anything after 10/3. I leave for 10 days on 10/23!
I got back by 1pm, and Alan and Isaiah were home already. I took the time to make another dish before I went out for a short bike ride. Yes, it was still steaming hot...
We had dinner at 6pm and two couples came over. It was just a great time to hang out.
Abby and I went for a short stroll this evening... and the weather was not any cooler...
By the time we got back, Alan was already asleep... he has a tennis tournament all day tomorrow!
Abby, Isaiah and I watched the TV series, Arrow...
I washed all the dishes and pots and pans and put everything away... My talk was finished. My ppt file emailed...
Sleep will come fast...
Seek Him First!