Tuesday, August 22, 2017

The Start of A New Bible Study Group

This morning I started a new Bible study group! Five dear sisters plus me... studying about dwelling in the shelter of God's promises!

Today's lesson was -- Jesus is the Promise... II Cor. 1:20!
Image result for II Cor 1:20

I made lunch for everyone... and Isaiah and Abby came home and finished off the leftovers!

It made for a busy Tuesday... but so worth it!

The kids joined the outreach activities this afternoon and everything went much better than yesterday! They didn't want to go at first... I'm glad I insisted!

After dropping them off, I finally went to drop off the load of stuff in my car! And I went and picked up another load! I have probably two more loads to pick up before Saturday, 9/2! I don't have the time to do these pick-ups and drop-offs... but God is making all things possible!

The rest of the day was spent working on my talks for this Sunday! I'm almost finished...

Seek Him First!
Image result for Psalm 61: 6

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