Before Jesus, I was a typical WORRY WART! I lived Murphy's Laws. A dark cloud always seemed to be above my head! But Jesus came into my life and set my feet to dancing and filled me overflowing with JOY unspeakable... He made me new! He changed me so completely!
But in this situation... Alan was way too trusting. He never took pictures. He didn't question the fact that maybe SHE BACKED INTO HIS CAR! He gave her his driver's license information and his cell phone number and email address. The only thing he knows about her is her first name!
Alan and Isaiah were in the car when they parked. They never noticed bumping the car in front and Alan is a great driver. He would have noticed. Because if he did bump her, it would have been the natural thing to back the car up a bit. This whole situation just seems fishy.
They were suppose to meet on Wednesday morning and she texted him on Tuesday night, stating that her husband wants to take the car to another repair shop for another estimate. What? Like 300$ is not enough! And this first estimate came from the Toyota Dealership and that's usually the more expensive place to get the car fixed!
Anyhow, my mind has been spinning...
I've been asking people to be in prayer.
Just this past Sunday for our HOP prayer walk, the verse of focus was Luke 18: 27 --
What is impossible with men is possible with God.
I need to repeat that to myself until this situation is resolved!
Seek Him First!
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