I went straight to my PT appointment after dropping off Isaiah.
While trying to park my scooter, a nice gentleman helped me move a scooter so that I can fit mine in!
When I got up there, I couldn't believe it. There were already about 20 people hooked up on different machines! I was able to get in right away. Now, I know -- go there by 8am or I'd be stuck waiting. Twenty minutes of heat plus 20 minutes of electric shock. Then, it was time with the therapist. He worked on my shoulder for 20 minutes. There were times that it was painful and he had to keep telling me to relax! So, this is going to be my routine every Tuesday morning and I will also have to add one Thursday in order to fit six times in one month! He said I should be going twice a week AT LEAST!!!!!!!!!!!!
One thing he said which was very encouraging. He told me that there are three stages of this problem and I seem to have by-passed the first stage, which is the extremely painful stage. Usually people sought medical attention at stage one because the pain is unbearable. But I've already proceeded to stage two, the frozen stage! He wondered why I didn't come in sooner. He thought it was very unusual. I told him Jesus helped me!
Now, this stage can take another 4-6 months before I get to stage 3 which is the 'unfrozen' stage. I'm praying that God will work as I continue to go to these PT sessions so that by October 13, when I have to go to the States, my frozen shoulder would already be 'thawed'.
And yes, he told me that it's possible for people to get one shoulder 'unfrozen' only to have the other shoulder freeze up. Some people have both shoulders frozen at the same time! I can't imagine! How do they sleep at night???
When I finished, I came down to find that my scooter was really jammed and there was a car parked in front of it. I went to the Ford dealership and talked to one gentleman. He happened to be the owner of the car. He moved the car and then proceeded to help me get my scooter out. With my frozen shoulder problem, I don't have much strength in my right arm. So, this was such a praise!
I then scooter over to Costco and bought the printer. I got home just in time to make my daily phone call to my mom!
I had to teach in the afternoon and the heat has not subsided!
I am going to attempt hooking up the printer tomorrow! I hope I don't blow anything up!
Seek Him First!