Monday, June 20, 2016

Getting Things More Organized

What a day!

I don't even have time to feel jet lagged.

Actually, I think running in the morning has helped to give me more energy throughout the day.

I went to the library and they had one of those blood pressure machine. Wow, my blood pressure was so low... 83/57, pulse of 65!  That was at 9:30 in the morning.

I had lots of errands to run... going to the copier place, going to the library, going to the Blue Market...

Then in the afternoon, I had to prep for my tutoring as well as my class this week. I noticed that our study really needed dusting. So, I proceeded to pull things off the shelves in order to dust. I didn't realize what a task that turned out to be!

A friend wanted some floor puzzles and giant books and wondered if I still had any of ours. I had given so much of our stuff away... but I still found one more floor puzzle and lots of giant books!  So, this led me to think -- it's time to get things more organized. Since I didn't have that much time, I decided just to start small -- a few easier projects for today. It was a great start... but it made me realize that I've got a lot of work ahead of me!

Seek Him First!
Image result for Psalm 3: 8

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