What a lightning trip!
What did I do in these past two weeks?
I attended a wonderful Christmas celebration and brunch at Mom Bea's church.
I had time to chat with Alden's family.
I saw Jenny's second grand child and hung out with Frank and their family.
I went to Target, Ralph's, Salvation Army, JC Penny, and ate out -- all only ONCE. At Target, I bought two CDs. At Ralph's, I bought a few items from the Manager's Special area. At Salvation Army, I bought an electric paper shredder for only 3.67US$. At JC Penny, I bought 10.39US$ worth of things and paid only 39cents as I had a 10$ coupon.
I had breakfast at Mimi's with Suz and Pam and on another day, I had lunch at my favorite ramen place with Angel. Heather Taguchi came over and hung out. Adele and Annie came over and hung out.
The rest of the time was spent cleaning and helping.
I got back to Taipei by 9:35 and was out by 10:01. Alan, Abby and Jane came by 10:35 and we were back in our front door by 11:05. I unpacked and we watched the Taipei 101 fireworks from our living room windows!
Yes, Happy New Year! How nice to welcome 2016 sitting in my own living room and to write this last entry!
Seek Him First!
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