Saturday, April 18, 2015

Interesting Day

I just don't like meetings.  It doesn't seem to matter what the meeting might be for.  Meetings bore me... I feel sleepy when I am in a meeting.

Case in point, today I went all the way to Danhsui to attend a meeting about the possibility of buying a parking space via an auction.  After an hour, I left.  It was pointless.  I think I will just call the man in charge and ask for the main points, which I think can be summarized in less than 5 minutes.

Upon coming back home, I worked at getting concert tickets for my kids.  Again, it was of no use. The ticket master opened at 5p.m. The computer around the island crashed at 5:20 and was rebooted by 6:30.  Tickets were sold out by 9:32 and we never even got into the system.  Scalpers  must have bought out the tickets as I saw a 60US$ ticket for sale for 200US$ even BEFORE tickets went on sale. Again, it was of no use!

Interesting day... No ticket, No parking space.

Seek Him First!

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