Today we start the countdown. To what you might ask?
To Abby's High School Entrance Exams!
Last year Isaiah had to face these same exams and the result was that he took the PE class option. Abby is not going that route. She won't be going to any try-outs on May 9th. Instead, she has to do really well in order to get into a public high school in our district.
What do I mean by really well?
There are five subjects and she has to get A++ or at least an A on three out of the five subjects.
Oh, I first need to explain that here in Taiwan, public schools are better than private schools, unless we're talking about international private schools, such as Taipei American School or European School. The tuition for these two schools is comparable to paying for a university degree in the States. That means one year will be about 20,000US$. Yes, US$, not NT$. For other local private schools, the reputation is that these schools are for the non-academically motivated students whose parents are wealthy.
Back to what I was saying...
Abby is pretty sure that she can get an A++ for English. She has worked hard to get an A in Math. (This math exam will cover Calculus and Statistical Analysis!) Now, she is trying to do well in Social Studies. To achieve that she will have to memorize an extremely large amount of facts and dates as Chinese history is very LONGGGGGGGGGGG! So there are many things to memorize. Her weakest subject would be Science (which includes, Chemistry, Physics and Biology.) And no matter how hard she studies for Chinese, she has never gotten even a B++ in all her practice exams.
Her next and last practice exam will be on April 30-May 1st.
We are all looking forward to May 18th.
This picture expresses why --
Please remember to pray for her!
Seek Him First!