This whole weekend I knew was going to be busy.
Today I started with going to COSTCO. I went early so I avoided the crowd. I also rode my scooter so I avoided the parking.
After putting things away and getting done with emails and phone calls, I went to Soochow to pick up Gay who wanted to get her hair done. She and her husband have been here a month. They also had some "leftovers" to give us. Wow... I was so blessed with all that they "left" for us to have -- a bag of frozen blueberries, expensive chips, glass lock-lock containers, salsa, soy bean milk and a fabulous smelling laundry detergent (which I am trying out right now). I guess I feel especially blessed because everything they bought was things that I would put on my 'splurge' list. I think God knew and just totally splurge on me, his daughter!! I felt so special.
Ray and Gay are Founders of the Summit Seekers |
After dropping her off and making sure the hair stylist knew what to do, I rushed home, changed clothes, got on my scooter and rode to the River Park. I had to run to the fields where the softball game would be played. I got there in about 40 minutes. The game didn't start until 4:30.
Picture of the CPU Team from another tournament |
I watched for about 20 minutes and I had to get back to pick up Abby. The run back was much faster! But still I was late. I did get to see Gay at the hair salon and her hair turned out just beautifully!
After sending her off in a taxi, I rushed home. Abby was already home. We got ready for our dinner at Linda and Campbell's house. Linda's mom cooked up a feast. I stuffed myself silly. Before going to her house, I had to stop at the Green Market to pick up a few items. I knew I would not have time after we finished dinner.
The clothes will be finished in a few minute. And I'm ready to go to bed. It will be another early morning tomorrow and a whole day out with the softball team!

Seek Him First!