Tuesday, August 26, 2014


It was so hot today that I could not go out to run.  I would have melted.  HONESTLY... it was that hot.

So, I took Abby to the Neihu Sports Center. She went for a swim and I went for a run on the treadmill.

There is only one machine that lets you run continuously for 99 minutes.  The other machines are all set for 30 minutes.

The machine I wanted was free. Yippy!

So, I went on and started.

It gets pretty boring pretty fast.  But at least I was not outside under the hot sun.

I'm sure some people might have thought I was crazy. But what could I do?

I just let my legs go, go and go some more and I used the time to pray.  At the end, my legs felt good and if I had time, I would have kept on going.

Seek Him First!

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