This week I started 'training' of sort... WHY? Especially when it has been so hot!!???
I (in my jet lagged state) signed myself up for a marathon in November!!!!
What was I thinking? Oh yeah... I wasn't. I was still in a fog!
I even paid 30US$!!! Now, I can't back out of this.
So, this week I wanted to see what my legs would do... well, I found out... They don't want to do anything!!!
I set a simple goal -- run an hour a day for six days. (That's 10km a day.) Today was Day Five!! One more day tomorrow... but as of today, my left ankle hurts. And my appetite has increased!
And if you read my previous blog, you already know that for one of the days, I had to go run on a treadmill. On that day, I went longer as I thought that running on a treadmill isn't always so accurate. So, instead of running for an hour, I went for 100 minutes, covering a little over 14kms.
After tomorrow, I get to rest. No Run on Sunday!
Which marathon did I sign up for?
It's the Star Light Marathon on November 22nd. It's on a Saturday! The marathon starts at 3:30 in the afternoon.
My goals are --
To finish.
To run the whole distance.
To survive with a smile on my face.
(And yes, I'd like to finish by a set time, but I'm not sharing what I am aiming for!)
I have the whole month of September, October and November!
Don't know what my legs will let me do next week...
And I'm going to remember this when I hit the 39 kilometer marker --

Seek Him First.