Each time I have a chance to speak, I feel that the Lord teaches me so much.
Today I spoke from John 10:1-15. I have read this passage many many times. And the Lord led me to look at just one word -- "good".
What does it mean that He is our good shepherd?
When was the word, good, used for the first time in the Bible?
Gen 1:4 God saw that the light was
good; and God separated the light from the darkness.
And do you know what this one word -- good -- can be as it is used in different places?
Here I have pasted for your reference all the different words this one simple word can mean when used in different places in the Old Testament.
H2896a (reference number)
טוב (Hebrew writing)
tob (373c); from H2895; pleasant, agreeable, good: - beautiful (11), beneficial (1), best (7), better (75), better a good (1), charming *(1), cheerful (3), choice (2), delightful (1), fair (1), favor (1), favorable (3), favorably (3), festive (1), fine (3), fine ones (1), fit (1), generous *(1), glad (1), good (196), good and to those who (1), good is better (1), good man (3), good men (1), good-looking *(1), gracious (1), handsome (3), handsome *(1), happy (1), holiday *(3), intelligent *(1), kind (1), like *(1), man (1), more *(2), one (1), one who (1), one who (1), one who is good (1), one who is pleasing (1), pleasant (2), please *(2), pleased (1), pleases (1), pleasing (5), precious (3), pure (1), right (1), ripe (3), safely *(1), sound (1), splendid (1), sweet (1), upright (1), very well (1), well (6), well off (1), what is good (11), what seems best (1), what seems good (2), what was good (2), whatever you like *(1), who are good (1), wish *(2), worthy (1).
How does Gen. 50:20 and Rom. 8:28 go together when looking at God being our good shepherd?
Gen 50:20 "As for you, you meant evil against me, but God meant it for
good in order to bring about this present result, to preserve many people alive.
Rom 8:28 And we know that God causes all things to work together for good to those who love God, to those who are called according to His purpose.
I can go on and on about what I found out about this one word.
God is amazing. He wrote this book for our instruction. I am blessed when I have a chance to speak as I know He will teach me something new.
He indeed is our Good Shepherd!
Seek Him First!