Friday, December 13, 2013

When Jesus Came Into My Life

In my last post, I made mention of how my birthdays have all been such perfect days since Jesus came into my life. That was some 38 years ago.  It was THE most life changing decision.  That first year was not filled with attending church or Bible studies. It was just a simple day to day walk, knowing God was there -- ALWAYS.  I sensed His presence like the air I breathe or the wind that blows through my hair when I run.  Some people say, God doesn't exist because they can't see him.  I see Him all the time and in every way.  That first year was God and me. He held my hands and calmed my fears.  In my second year, I got a Bible when I was baptized. Again, that year flew by not with attending church or Bible studies.  But God gave me two verses, two simple promises --

He loves me and gave His only begotten Son to me so that I can have life everlasting. (John 3:16)

He invites me to seek daily His kingdom and His righteous and He will take care of all the other matters. (Matthew 6:33)

Those two verses were what He'd whisper to me day in and day out. 

In my third year, He opened up the way for me to attend service -- one hour each week.

In my fourth year, He provided Friday night youth fellowship and Sunday service.

And in all the years since, He has continued to provide, to guide, to carry, to speak... It is still just as simple as it was when He first came into my life -- a daily walk with the King of kings and the LORD of lords. It's a relationship.  It's not complicated. It's not an organized religion. It's a relationship that I want everyone to have.  I want my siblings to have this relationship. I want my co-workers or my students or my neighbors or those I see at the supermarkets that I shop at... I know Jesus wants to come into the life of all people.  He is patiently waiting.

Seek Him First! 

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