Riding around on my scooter today, I realize again, how much I enjoy living in Taiwan. My daughter and I were talking -- we better eat as many of our favorite items before we take off for the States. Why? Because what we love to eat here would cost a fortune in the States. For example, a 700cc of bubble milk tea -- Taipei 30NT$, USA 4US$ plus tax which would be about 120NT$.

Ten delicious water dumplings -- Taipei 50NT$, USA 6.95 US$ plus tax, which would be about 260NT$. (not to mention potstickers!)

These are just two food examples.
There are many other reasons why I love living in Taipei. I can ride my scooter around. In the States, I have to drive and I don't enjoy driving. Most driving in the States would usually involve being on the freeway and that's just too fast for me. And the distance is quite long -- a 20 minute drive in the States is nothing. Here in Taipei, it takes me like 7 minutes on my scooter to get to a pretty major supermarket and that's me riding slowly on my scooter.

My scooter is not like the one above. It's more like this one --

But it works and it's great!
I also love that there are still gas attendants that fill up the gas for you. They are friendly and helpful. They don't clean your windshield but they always seem to have a great attitude and the service is fast.
Oh, how about finding someone to fix things? I have a guy who helps me to fix all kinds of household appliances and I won't even talk about the cost. How about a handyman? I can get the entire interior of my house painted for less than 1,000US$ and they will finish the job in three days and clean up the place for you!
I can go on and on... I am truly blessed to be living in the city where I was born. Yes, there are some disadvantages, but I think the advantages far outweigh the disadvantages. So, each time my mom asks me when I'll be returning to the States, I have to tell her -- Mom, I won't be returning to the States. I will live in Taipei until the LORD calls me home or He leads me else where.
Okay... I was going to just cut and paste a few sample pictures of Taipei and I had to add one more FOOD ITEM that we love -- strawberry/mango shaved ice with sweet and condensed milk!!!!
Seek Him First!