Thursday, December 15, 2011

50 Years of Praises

I joyously welcomed my 50th birthday this past Monday. God has been so faithful. I went to Bible study and Amy, my sister in Christ, brought a cake. Another gal, Rachel, had a camera, and Sonja (her birthday was the next day) and I celebrated together. I also received lots of email messages from friends and family members, not to mention FIVE phone calls from my beloved mom. I felt so loved. No gifts were exchanged as I truly do NOT get into that. I look forward to another blessed year of adventures with God as my Good Shepherd.
Seek Him First!
(The first picture is Alan carving the turkey at our Bible study Christmas dinner at Amy's house. I am standing with Rachel and her youngest boy, Benjamin, and Amy. And the other picture is Sonja and I at our Bible study with the cake from Amy.)

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