Some people asked... what exactly can Isaiah be applying for with the scores he received?
To help you to know how difficult, there aren't that many schools... unless we want schools that aren't so good academically!
His two
dream choices are: ChengChi University Education Department & English Department
His four
maybe choices are:
Soochow University English Department, Political Science Department & German Department
Taipei University Education Department
Now, which schools can he FOR SURE get into: Ming Chuan University & ChungYuan University -- but we don't want him to go there...
He is going to talk to his school counselor on Monday. In the meantime, we're putting together his portfolio. If he makes it in the door, the second obstacle will be his portfolio and interview! Please keep him in your prayers. Selection will start on March 7-10. 'Call back' will be from 3/23 to 4/24. Schools will release the acceptance by 4/27. You then have until 5/3 to let the school know your decision!
Other than that, I went for a run and it was not so hot. And I want to say THANK YOU to my dear sister who gave me a new headset... I can listen to music as I run. I think I can also upload audio books... YIPPEE... I want to learn to speak Hebrew... and with a San Diego Library card, I downloaded a simple travel book with simple Hebrew phrases. I am waiting for Alan to help me do that.
And yes, Alan will be back tomorrow!!!!!!!!!
Seek Him First!