I've always said that Taiwan is a very safe place.
But yesterday morning at 11am, tragedy struck right in Neihu, right next to the Xihu Elementary School, right near where we drop off our kids for the MRT each morning.
A 32 year old mentally unstable person took a butcher knife and in broad daylight attacked and killed a four-year old girl. I won't go into the details...
This is very rare in this area and thus, all the more shocking. Horrified.
Today there were policemen at all the elementary schools around this city. It was very strange to see. This might continue for many days or it might be the 'new' norm...
Many parents were hyper alert and people are getting more hesitant to trust others.
My heart cries out... Father, Thy kingdom come, Thy will be done on earth as it is in heaven.
Seek Him First!