Yes, it's true.
I sat in front of my computer for almost 10 hours today to finish up one set of tests.
I hit saved throughout the process. But when I finished, hit save, closed up the file and reopened it -- THE ENTIRE FILE WAS BLANK -- like it was when the template was sent to me. Nothing was done on it. Not one question.
I could have cried. And I sure did feel frustrated.
But then I decided to give thanks.
So, it's gone.
I can let this situation steal my joy. Or I can give thanks in everything.
I chose to give thanks in everything!
It's a tremendously busy week, and today was the only day I had to work on it. To find the time to do this is going to take a miracle. I will trust the Lord to give me the time.
I went off for a run.
When Alan came home, he tried to search for the file. He got a list of all the times I saved it. But upon opening those files, the computer gave him a message -- this file does not exist. He tried for over an hour. So sweet of him...
God's word (I Thes. 5:18) says,
in everything give thanks; for this is the God's will for you in Christ Jesus. It doesn't say give thanks when things are going smoothly. It doesn't say give thanks when life is good. It says, in everything give thanks. I'm going to trust God. He knows what he is talking about when he instructs us to give thanks in everything. The file was not found when I gave thanks. It did not miraculously appear. But I did not let the situation steal my joy and my peace and my spirit of thanksgiving.
And I chose not to believe that the day was wasted. My day, my time... well... actually, it's God's time and His day. I'm just a steward. My master is in charge. I report to Him. And I'm not going to stay up to rewrite the test. Tomorrow is my son's birthday. And I'll be getting up very early... I plan to make a special breakfast for him.
Seek Him First!