This morning even with the slight sprinkle, we all went out to the tennis courts. It was fun. Isaiah and Abby played with some of the people Alan usually plays with and I hung out with those sitting on the sideline. They always have the most delicious food, so they gave me some. Moon cakes, bean curd, hot tea, etc.
We came back and I took off to visit Penny, who is staying at a Maternity Center right near our house.
I then met up with Alan and the kids plus friends who just adopted a little boy. We had teppanyaki!
After returning home from lunch, I started baking. We all took a power nap and headed out the door by 2:15.
It was testimony time and people had a lot to share. Love Feast afterwards... Abby had headed off to the Big Bang Concert with our dear friend, Elaine! I kept lining them to see if they would have time to send a picture... Of course, they didn't even look at their cell phone!
The concert was finished by 8:30 and Abby called at 9:18 to say that she was three stops away on the MRT.
It started raining this evening as a strong typhoon is set to pass over Taiwan tomorrow. Well, that's going to change our plans as we might not be able to go out for a drive on the east coast???
Whatever we end up doing, I know it'll be a great day...
Seek Him First!