This week has 'flown' by... as I flew to the States a week ago on March 7th, a day before my sister's birthday.
And since I have been staying over at my mom's place, I have had no internet access. But I can quickly summarize what I've been doing every day.
In the morning, I'd have breakfast with my mom and Daddy George. Then at 8:30, we'd be off to the exercise room. I'd supervise Dad and Mom would do her own workout routine.
By 9:15, we'd be back home. I'd give them a snack or water or something and then we'd be off again.
I'd usually take them to one store or one place.
Monday was a full morning spent at the Veteran's Hospital.
Tuesday morning was spent at Goodwill.
Wednesday morning was spent at Costco.
Thursday morning was spent at Ralph's.
Friday morning was spent at 99 Cents Store and Big Lots.
We'd be back home by 11:30, when I'd fix them lunch. In the afternoon, a lady would come to help give Dad a shower. Mom would get her antibiotics IV drip then she would take a shower. I would clean around the house -- do a load of laundry, organize an area, etc. On Thursday, I bought a bread maker at Salvation Army and started to test the machine. I had 7 days to return it if it didn't work. So, I started to make a loaf or two of freshly baked bread with a variety of ingredients. The first loaf didn't come out so great, but it still tasted great. Each loaf after that has tasted absolutely amazing! I'm going to lug the machine back to Taiwan. (Oh I forgot to mention that the machine was only 13.50US$.)
On Saturday, we took off for a one day road trip to San Diego. We stopped to see mom's old friend who just moved down to the Del Mar area a year ago. God worked it out as we happened to arrive at their once a month Bible study potluck lunch which was hosted at my mom's friend's house! Perfect! The lady is from Taiwan and there were at least 25 people there. Each of them brought a traditional Chinese dish! I had a feast.
We had tried to book a hotel room before coming down, but everything in the Rancho Bernardo area was fully booked. And when we went to Courtyard to check if there were any cancellations, the guy said NO. He was even kind enough to call around for us. And all the hotels were fully booked.
We will have to stay at Mom Bea's house.
I have one more week... So, after this blog, I won't blog again for another 8 days, which is when I'll be back in Taipei. That will sure be nice!
Seek Him First!