The 10 Commandments have been on my mind and especially the idea of honoring thy father and mother. I have been here for a week and the word busy does not even define what the days have been like. Being with my mom, I have had to tell her what she should and should not eat. I also went through all the clothes and spot things that needed washing. My sister, Annie, and I also packed up 7 large black garbage bags of clothes to donate. There is still tons more to do.
But one night, I was putting my mom and Daddy George to bed. After tucking them in, I gave them a kiss tonight. My mom looked up and said, "Oh, how I'd like for you to kiss me good night every night." I had to go to the bathroom and cry for a bit. As they get older, they are becoming more and more like babies, needing a lot more assistance. I cannot be here and so daily, I entrust them into the care of my loving Heavenly Father. I know that He is with them and He tucks them in and kisses them good night. It was His idea to honor our father and mother and He is faithful to help me to do just that. I rest in His care.
During this past week, I have had to remind myself of that every morning when I wake up and every night when I go to bed. For a few nights, I was not able to sleep well, thinking about all that still needs to be done and how fast the days are going by. God has continued to sustain me and I know He will carry me back to Taiwan and one day into the embrace of His arms. He will do the same for my parents.

Seek Him First!