I thought I better get on line and write one more blog before this month completely flies by. It's been a fantastic and fun-filled month. Yes, I am still enjoying the "retired" life. I still cannot find enough time to get to some of my personal projects. But I have started to listen to Taiwanese, Hebrew and Spanish. I want to refresh my Spanish and hopefully, German and learn Taiwanese and Hebrew. I have gone through my piles of files and sorted them into three HUGE files. There is definitely a lot more work that needs to be done. I get on line and read about organizing files... but I can't imagine getting everything into one nice neatly organized box. We had also gone to three weddings this month and I had a special get together with some of my honors' English students from four years ago. Abby is now a vocalist with our House of Praise Worship Team. Both Isaiah and Abby still help out with the drums when needed. But this is a new step of faith for Abby. And the seniors at Soochow University are already taking their graduation pictures... And I continue to trim/cut my own hair. I am getting better and better at it. I run when I have time and I do bike a lot more. I have gone to Costco on my bike, but I didn't get a picture of that. Too bad!!!! It was pretty funny as people watched me pack my Costco goods on my bike. I prayed with every push of my pedals. Next month is just around the corner... and I know I will have lots to write about...
Seek Him First!