Even my back balcony was "redone". We took every container out and looked through and threw out and ... you get the idea. Yes, apartments in Taipei are very small. So, my oven is in the back balcony along with my washer and dryer and where I hang my clothes to dry so that I can save elctricity. Without a garage or a pantry or a walk in closet, our back balcony is our only "storage" place. I had to find ways to put our fans back there in the winter time and our radiator heaters out there in the summer time. And whenever I come back from the States, I had to find ways to store 50 boxes of cereal! We also have four folding chairs, our swimming gears, tools, mop, brooms... and the list goes on!!! Needless to say, I love how our back balcony looks now. I can actually walk back there! All the hard work and the chaos have really paid off. We all love the final result. We have taken our annual family portrait and will wait until that comes out before we hang all the "family pictures" back up on the walls. As for our mini-Louvre Museum, we might be changing that a bit, too!